Explore all of the different advertising opportunities available to our members that can help you gain more exposure for your business!
Directory of Chamber members with a distribution of 3,000+ copies annually. For more information email Emily Bertram or call 320-656-3809.
the Bottom Line Email
Place your ad in the Chamber’s monthly electronic newsletter, The Bottom Line. The cost is $125 per month/$350 for 3 months for a Sponsored Content spot, or $50 per month/$125 for three months for a banner ad spot. This newsletter includes member anniversaries, current business information, and links to learn more and register for events. For more information email Emily Bertram or call 320-656-3809.
The Chamber’s bi-monthly business magazine packed with feature stories, business tips, and news from throughout Central Minnesota. Distribution of 6,000. Chamber members are highlighted in every issue. Affordable advertising; Chamber members receive a discount. For more information on advertising, email Melinda Vonderahe.
CHAMBER Member Happenings
An opportunity for members to promote their businesses via monthly email ads to over 2,000 business representatives; ads include a free link to your web site or specials. For more information email Emily Bertram or call 320-656-3809.
Affordable, direct mailing information available on labels or electronically: members only. For more information email Shelly Imdieke or call 320-656-3800.
Each new member receives a Top Hat visit, signage, and a framed photo. Photos also appear in Business Central Magazine. For more information email Shelly Imdieke or call 320-656-3800.
There are two different website banner ad options currently available, both on the home screen of the website. Call or email Emily at 320-656-3809 to reserve.
chamber perks
Watch your sales and customer engagement soar through Chamber Perks! Upload your upcoming sales, specials, and coupons to the Chamber Perks page to reach more of our website visitors.
How to Use Chamber Perks
- Visit
- Click Member Login at the top of the page
- Forgot your login information? Contact Vicki Lenneman.
- Click on Chamber Perks on the left-hand column.
- Click on Add Chamber Perk at the top of the page.
- Add your details:
- Title
- Tagline
- Category
- Description
- Meta Description
- Short Description
- Offer start & end date
- Search results logo/image
- Contact information
- Publish start and end date
- Submit for approval or save as a draft for further revision.
- Your Chamber Perk is uploaded!
As a Chamber member, you receive access to promotional opportunities through the Chamber website. In addition to posting in our job bank and the calendar of events, members are listed in the business directory, making it quick and simple for potential customers to search for your company by name or category. We are excited to offer additional visibility for your business or organization through the Website Enhancement Package for only $50 annually.
In just three months, between August – October 2021, the Chamber website was viewed 30,000 times! Almost 10% of this traffic viewed the online Business Directory.
This means on average in one year, the Business Directory is viewed over 11,000 times. Don’t miss out on attracting these potential customers! Upgrade your business or organization listing with color, photos, and in-depth descriptions to encourage customer engagement and increased company recognition.
Purchase Now:
Upgrade your Chamber website listing!
(320) 656-3822